Wondering what to read next? Here are a few ideas on working out which book is next on your list!

  • Go to the section where you found the last great book you read. Is there a sequel? Has the author written other books?

  • Ask the Teacher Librarian for a recommendation. Be clear about what you like and dislike to read.

  • Look at some links below and search online for suggestions from review sites, and award lists.

  • Find a regular podcast to listen to, from sources who read and recommend titles in the genre you like to read.

Links Where You Will Find Great Suggestions!

CBCA Notables and Shortlists are a great place to start for a new inspirational book!

CBCA’s Reading Time blog looks at nearly every new release…

Kids Book Review looks at all the new releases!

Great podcast interviewing your favourite authors - listen online to Reading With A Chance of Tacos!

Middle-Grade Mavens is another great podcast reviewing middle-grade books! Years 3 - 5.

New primary aged books reviewed here at GoodReading Magazine.